Bookmark your ORCID profile and researcher IDs, and document key metrics for grant applications and promotions
It is essential to monitor the impact of your published research, which can be done through various metrics. These metrics provide insight into how your work is being read, discussed, and utilised within and beyond your field.
There are numerous methods for tracking your research outcomes, and the sources of these metrics are diverse. Traditional citation counts, among others, offer valuable indicators of your work's influence and can help shape your future publishing strategies.
Measures of research impact are essential for the University to show how well it performs on a global research stage. A strong reputation for research will attract new researchers and collaborative partners from Industry and Government sectors and open additional research funding opportunities.
Further information is available from the Metrics for Grant Applications and Promotions guide.
Western Sydney University is involved in tracking metrics that influence key rankings, such as:
National Ranking
ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia) evaluates the quality of research in Australian Universities
World University Rankings
Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) aims to improve the ways scholarly research is evaluated.
Once you have created and set up your ORCID profile and researcher IDs, consider bookmarking (also known as deep linking or direct linking) your ORCID record and researcher IDs.
Your researcher ID is a way to showcase your academic achievements, publications, interests, and activities online. It can help you increase your visibility, impact, and recognition as a researcher and connect with other researchers and potential collaborators. There are different platforms and tools that you can use to create and manage your researcher IDs, and you can set up bookmarks to your researcher IDs for easy access.
Your ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier that links your publications and other research outputs across different platforms and databases. It also allows you to import and export your data from other sources, such as Scopus, CrossRef, DataCite, etc. You can create an ORCID by registering for a free account on the ORCID website.
If you are applying for grants, also link your ARC Researcher Management System (RMS) to your ORCID.
Scopus is a database that includes over 25,000 journals and other sources across various disciplines. It automatically assigns you a Scopus Author ID when at least one publication is indexed in Scopus. It also groups your publications and citations under one profile and provides you with various metrics, such as h-index, citation count, and field-weighted citation impact. You can find your Scopus Author ID by searching for your name or publications on the Scopus website. You can also request corrections or merges if your profile is incomplete or duplicated. You can also link your Scopus Author ID to your ORCID by following the instructions on the Scopus website.
SciVal (Institutional login required) is a research performance assessment tool that enables analysis of Scopus data. Consider the following:
This is another database that includes over 21,000 journals and other sources across various disciplines.
Create a Web of Science ResearcherID and link it to your ORCID by following the instructions on the Web of Science website. Also, track your metrics, such as h-index, citation count, and Journal Impact Factor (JIF).
To bookmark your Web of Science Researcher Profile, use the following URL format:, where XXX-XXXX-XXXX is your Web of Science ResearcherID. For example,
Google Scholar is a platform that enables you to create a public profile that displays your publications and citations from Google Scholar. It is particularly good at finding content not indexed in Scopus, Web of Science or other key indexing platforms. It also helps you track your metrics, such as h-index, i10-index, and co-authors.
You can create a Google Scholar profile by signing in with your Google account and following the instructions on the Google Scholar website. You can also import and export your data from other sources, such as Scopus, CrossRef, DataCite, etc.
Altmetric Explorer is a tool that enables you to track the online attention and engagement of your research outputs, such as journal articles, books, datasets, media stories, etc. It collects data from various sources, such as social media, news outlets, blogs, policy documents, etc., and provides you with an Altmetric Attention Score and an Altmetric Badge for each output.
You can create an Altmetric Explorer account by registering with your institutional email address on the Altmetric Explorer website. For improved tracking of your work, link your Altmetric Explorer account to your ORCID record.
Consider the following:
Researcher Reports
Do you know how to create or bookmark your researcher reports in SciVal and InCites? If not, contact your School Librarian for instructions.
Limitations and considerations
Some limitations and considerations for finding and deep linking to your researcher profiles are: You may have multiple profiles on different platforms or databases that are not linked or synchronised with each other. This may cause confusion or inconsistency among different versions of your profiles or publications. You may need to check and follow different policies and conditions from different platforms or databases regarding creating and managing your profiles or publications. You may need to update and maintain your profiles regularly to ensure the accuracy and visibility of your research outputs. You may need to protect your privacy and security when creating and sharing your profiles online. You may need to use different tools and methods to track your metrics across different platforms or databases, as they may use different sources, indicators, and calculations. You should also be aware of the limitations and criticisms of some metrics, such as impact factor, citation count, etc.
Consider the following indicators for tracking and evaluating the impact of your article. See also: Elsevier Research metrics quick reference (PDF download).
For DECRA (data sourced from SciVal):
Other key metrics:
Visit the Research Metrics Toolkit to discover more ways to maximise your impact.
© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)