Email the Scholarly Publishing Consultant for a copy of the Publishing Plan Form and to learn more about the Toolkit. The Library will support you in developing a publishing plan appropriate for your discipline.
The Publishing Plan template is the entry point to the Toolkit. It is intended to be used in conjunction with this Toolkit to provide further context. Aim to complete it before you start writing your research. Alternatively, if you have written your manuscript, use it to validate your choice of publishing venue. By developing a publishing plan, you can proactively manage requirements and expectations during your publishing journey.
This Publishing Plan template is aimed at helping WSU authors maximise their research impact and engagement. This resource outlines a strategic approach to developing a publishing plan that helps you find suitable, high-quality resources to maximise your research impact and engagement, outlines how to submit your research, self-promote your work, and how to utilise metrics to support your career.
The Publishing Plan template provides guidance on:
The Publishing Plan template provided by the Library is designed to help you collect and order your thoughts into a comprehensive publishing plan. These factors will inform your decision on where to publish, how, when, and where to self-promote your work, and how to track research performance for grant and academic performance applications.
Document your responses so you can refer to the publishing plan as you work through your research project.
For further context, ensure you are connected to the Internet, then click the links alongside each ‘question’, e.g., A1, A2, etc., to be redirected to more information.
To start this process, you will need the following details:
Elsevier also provides Author tools & resources to help you get published.
© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)