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Research Metrics Toolkit

Publications in top journal percentiles


A percentage or total number figure of a researcher's publications which are published in top journal percentiles (top 1% and 10%). The top journal percentiles can be based on 3 different journal metrics provided by Elsevier - CiteScore, SNIP or SJR.


  • To highlight the presence of publications in journals that are likely to be perceived as the most prestigious in the world


  • Academic promotions, job applications, funding applications
  • Can be described as a percentage of total publications or a total number


Common tools

  • SciVal

How to calculate publications in top journal percentiles

1. SciVal
  1. Access SciVal through Scopus, or from
  2. SciVal is available to Deakin users, however, you will need to log in using an Elsevier account. This personal account is required as you will be setting up and saving preferences. If you have an account for Scopus or ScienceDirect, this will work. If not, click Register Now.
  3. Once logged in, select the Overview module.
  4. In the left-hand menu, under Researchers and Groups, select Add Researchers and Groups.
  5. Select Define a new researcher, and search for yourself using your last name, first initial, and affiliation.
  6. Select any name variations that are you, Validate Publications if you wish (helpful if you have a popular name and want to ensure all publications are yours), or Directly go to Save Researcher.
  7. Choose a name and add tags (optional), then click Save and Finish.
  8. Publications in Top Journal Percentiles will be displayed in the Published tab.
  9. You can select to judge Top Journal Percentiles by the journal metrics CiteScore, SNIP, or SJR.
Note: Calculating Publications in Top Journal Percentiles from SciVal only takes into consideration documents that are indexed in the Scopus database from 1996 onwards.

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