Linking your ORCID to the WSU Research Profiles and Repository platform will improve your publication workflows and enhance identity management at WSU, making it easier for the University to uniquely associate all your research activities with you.
When you associate your ORCID with University systems, and also submit your ORCID when publishing, you:
Research Profiles and Repository is a system accessible to WSU employees only. It also includes publication statistics. Log in to view your statistics and search for other WSU authors.
All WSU academic staff have a researcher profile. Once you have your ORCID, it's highly recommended that you add all other identifiers to your ORCID record and maintain it. The more well-populated your ORCID record is, the more value researchers and the entire community can gain from participating in ORCID.
When your ORCID record is added to Research Profiles and Repository, your ORCID will also appear against your WSU researcher profile. See the Research Profiles and Repository: Guide for more information about the Research Profiles and Repository system.
Even though the platforms appear under Works in your linked ORCID record, you may need to add individual publications to your WSU Researcher Profile manually. Contact your School Librarian if you have questions.
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Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)