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Researcher Identifiers

Web of Science ResearcherID

The ResearcherID is valuable to your ORCID record if you have publications indexed in the Web of Science as it uniquely identifies researchers and associates them with their published works. Your ResearcherID is displayed under your name, along with your ORCID, in your Web of Science Researcher Profile.


Set up your Web of Science ResearcherID

Web of Science is now your profile's single point of access and management.

To set up your Web of Science ResearcherID, choose your experience:

Once registered, you are assigned a unique ID.


Additional Web of Science resources


Link your Web of Science ResearcherID and ORCID record

You link your ORCID record to your Web of Science ResearcherID to:

  • pull in all journal articles from your Web of Science Researcher Profile to your ORCID record
  • record your peer review activity. Linking your Web of Science ResearcherID to your ORCID is essential if you are an active peer reviewer.
How to claim your Web of Science Author Record

Use Claim My Record to claim publications you authored in the Web of Science; this ensures your author record lists only publications you authored.

Once you claim an author record, no one else can claim or correct it; only you can update it when you are signed in to the Web of Science.

Steps for Claiming an author record
  1. From an author record, click Claim my record. You must be signed in to your Web of Science account to claim a record.
  2. Select the publications you authored and click Submit at the bottom of the page to associate them to your WoS Researcher Profile.

After a short time, your Web of Science author record will display a green check next to the name on the author record.

Add publications to your Web of Science Researcher Profile

Your Web of Science Researcher Profile does NOT automatically update with new publications, so you need to add publications as soon as they are published to keep your Researcher Profile up-to-date.

Import from Web of Science

Always add your publications to your Researcher Profile via Web of Science (if your published journal is indexed by Web of Science). This will provide you with a variety of citation metrics, including your h-index and citations per paper, according to Web of Science.

  1. Go to My Web of Science (your author record)
  2. Select Profile > My records > Publications from the lookup options
  3. Click on +Add publications > View my publications. Select the publications that are yours.
  4. Go back to Publications and select an option to Add publications by identifier, Add publications by file upload, or Sync with ORCID.
  • Publications added to your research profile manually will NOT display metrics nor export to Research Profiles and Repository when linked.
  • The ability to perform a one-time import of publications from your ORCiD record will be coming soon. In the meantime, you can import your publications from ORCID by enabling ORCID import sync in your profile settings. Change the Pre-publication review display preferences at any time in your Profile Settings > ORCID Syncing. In your Profile Setting, switch the options ON under Automatically sync ORCID and Web of Science.

Add publications manually

Additional ways to add publications throughout your Web of Science workflow:

Peer review and Web of Science Researcher Profile

Web of Science Researcher Profile provides verified credit for peer review without compromising your anonymity or violating journal policies. By default, your Researcher Profile will show the journal for the review and hide the review content.

You can access your peer review metrics via your WSU Researcher Profile when your ORCID and Web of Science ResearcherID are connected. Your ORCID must also be added to Research Profiles and Repository for this to happen.

WSU researchers are well-represented on Web of Science. Search for individual Western Sydney University researchers by name using the Researcher tab in Web of Science.

Correcting Author Records

Web of Science author records are created algorithmically using article metadata from the Core Collection, dating back to 1900. There are over 28 million author records. No algorithm will ever be 100% correct, therefore there are multiple ways to correct author records in Web of Science.

Merging unclaimed author records

If multiple author records contain publications by the same author, the ‘Merge records’ option can be used to combine all or some of them into one record.

  1. Sign in to your Web of Science account.

  2. From the researcher search results page, tick the checkbox of each author record containing publications by the same author. Then click Merge records.

  3. Tick any publications that are not written by this author and click Remove. These will be removed from the merged author record. The publications can be refined by author name, journal, and/or institution to help make the process easier. Removed publications are visible in the Remove tab. If none need to be removed, proceed to the next step.

  4. Proceed and submit your request.

  5. Requests are reviewed by our team of editors. You will receive an email to confirm receipt of your request and another to confirm whether the change has been accepted. Changes to Web of Science author records then take 3-5 days to show in Web of Science.

Important: You can only merge unclaimed author records. Claimed author records (identified by a green check) can only be updated by the profile owner.


Remove publications for a single author record

  1. Sign in to your Web of Science account.

  2. Navigate to the author record and click Remove publications.

  3. Tick any publications that are not written by this author and click Remove. These will be removed from the author record. The publications can be refined by author name, journal, and/or institution to help make the process easier. Removed publications are visible in the Remove tab.

  4. Proceed and submit your request.

  5. Requests are reviewed by our team of editors. You will receive an email to confirm receipt of your request and another to confirm whether the change has been accepted. Changes to Web of Science author records then take 3-5 days to show in Web of Science.

Viewing a combined author record

You can use View combined record to temporarily view a combination of two or more author records. This does not merge the records permanently. Use the merge and remove workflows to permanently correct author records.

My Researcher Metrics

Your personalised researcher metrics are available at the end of the Web of Science search page. You also have the option to View metrics dashboard (dashboard print and download options are not currently available).

To see your citation metrics, add your publications to your Web of Science Researcher Profile via the Web of Science database.

© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)