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Researcher Identifiers

Research identifiers

Western Sydney University is one of many Australian institutions that have joined this international-scale open research effort and is recommended for WSU for staff and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates.

When undertaking research, setting up a persistent identifier (PID) will uniquely distinguish you as a researcher and connect you to your research activity.

Benefits of using research identifiers

Benefits of using external research identifiers include:

  • Disambiguation — external research identifiers help you track your research activity and distinguish yourself and your body of work, making it easier to get credit for your research.
  • Connectivity — connecting your ORCID iD to your other external identifiers will help to automate your research workflows and reduce the amount of time you spend on administrative tasks.
  • Discoverability — a complete and connected ORCID profile is a valuable promotional tool, allowing you to accurately showcase the breadth of your scholarly work and establish your contribution to your field.

'Researcher Identifiers' is a Western Sydney University Library adaptation of ORCID iD and researcher identifiers, created by the University of Queensland, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. [This CC Licence attribution takes precedence over the CC Licence attribution in the footer]

© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)