Before you start your search for OER
- Use this OER Development Worksheet (Word download) to help determine the OER required for educational purposes.
- Get acquainted with licensing and attribution, so you know:
- how OER content can be openly licensed, e.g. CC BY, for use. The six CC licences include:
- CC BY - Attribution must be given to the creator.
- CC BY-SA - Attribution required, and you agree to licence new derivative versions of the resource you create under CC BY-SA.
- CC BY-NC - Attribution required; non-commercial use only; commercial use requires a separate, negotiated licence.
- CC BY-NC-SA - Attribution required, non-commercial use only; commercial use requires a separate, negotiated licence; and you agree to licence new derivative versions of the resource you create under CC BY-NC-SA well.
- CC BY-ND - Attribution required; no derivative works permitted; creation of derivative works requires a separate, negotiated licence.
- CC BY-NC-ND - This licence is the most restrictive of our six main licences. It allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they mention you and link back to you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
- How to attribute (openly CC license) the OER you create.
- Document third-party copyright content permissions (Excel download).
How to search for any OER content
- Search, using keywords from the Subject title and course description (a.k.a About this Subject) e.g.,
200432.4 Commercial Law
About this Subject
In this subject, students learn about the concepts of law, its impact on businesses, and how to apply the law to solve practical legal problems that arise in business. The subject is designed to help you identify where potential legal issues or problems can arise in business. In addition, it deals with concepts of Australian law and commercial legal obligations that are important to professional practice and studies in later units. The subject topics are Australian Legal Institutions and Sources of Law, Case Law and Doctrine of Precedent, Legislation and Statutory Interpretation, The Australian Federation and Concepts of Constitutional Law, Principles of Tortious Liability, the formation, vitiation, performance and discharge of contracts, forms of business structure, consumer transactions, consumer protection and agency.
- Use the resources in this guide (refer to the Boxes below to search the Mason OER Metafinder (MOM) and the Publicly Available Content Database) to search several OER repositories using the search query: “commercial law” (Australia OR Australian). You can also try searching the Pressbooks Directory. You should retrieve:
How to find any OER content
© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)