This workflow outlines the options to consider at each stage of your research project, to comply with open access (OA) policies and fulfil your funder mandates.
Before you start, review the 4-step model for Publishing Plan Toolkit:
Research outputs and indicators
Ask your supervisor for your Academic Unit Work Plan Policy research outputs and indicators, e.g., in Q1, Q2 (HDR candidates might aim to publish in Q3 journals), noting that School of Law has a preferred list of journals and School of Business also selects journals from the ABDC Journal Quality List.
Find scholarly publishing outlets
Start your search for scholarly publishing outlets by considering publishing sources that you cite or where your colleagues and supervisor have published. Also, use the finder tools (databases) to find your publishing outlets (such as journals, book chapters, conference proceedings or trade journals), search in:
Start your search in Scopus Sources, or use Clarivate InCites (if required by your discipline) to search by publication sources. Also, consider these other finder tools and contact your School Librarian for assistance.
Quality check
This should result in a short list (two or three) of publishing outlets. Check the quality of these publishing outlets to determine if they are the most suitable for your research. You should then narrow this down to the one outlet most likely to maximise your research impact.
When you submit your publication to a journal, remember to:
Where to find a suitable journal for your research
To find a suitable place to publish:
To comply with OA mandates:
The section in this guide on Open access policies and mandates has more compliance information.
Share your data
Consult funder and journal or publisher policies around data sharing.
Submit the research data (WSU login required) underlying your publication to Research Profiles and Repository to:
Both ARC and NHMRC policies refer to and support the FAIR principles, that is, that research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
Cite your dataset in your publication
Cite your dataset to preserve the link between your article and the dataset. If you choose to publish your research data in Research Profiles and Repository, a DOI will be minted for your dataset.
Promote your publications
The 'Promote' section of Strategic scholarly publishing outlines methods to showcase your work and academic profile.
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