Students involved in research are usually encouraged to attend and present at conferences. Attending conferences presents many benefits, enabling them to build their CV and connect with potential future employers and supervisors.
There are various opportunities for WSU students to participate in local conferences free of charge. Many Schools and Institutes run conferences and student conferences (often co-organised by students); see WSU Events and the School websites for further information. You can also use +QuickLinks (at the top of the page) to search for a conference scholarship
If you are an HDR student, familiarise yourself with the Research Higher Degree Candidature Essential Resources Policy. This policy identifies, defines and articulates the entitlement and access to essential resources for research candidature.
The HDR Candidate Handbook is intended to be a reference guide on matters important to your candidature and to provide you with a source of information about how to get things done, who in the University to contact and to outline your terms of candidature.
Some conferences offer (often competitive) travel grants for students at the time of abstract submission. There may also be awards for best student presentation at the conference that can be used to offset some costs.
WSU Scholarships provides information about scholarships, funding and how to apply.
Individual faculties and schools also provide support for travel and attending conferences. Check with the appropriate research administrators at the faculty or school for more information.
© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)