Conduct searches across multiple relevant databases. Adapt searches to the characteristics of the database. Document any modifications when adapting your search to a new database e.g. Are the fields different? Does the database use different subject headings? Conduct supplementary searches across grey literature, as well as hand searching selected journals and by citation tracking to address bias from published results.
Whenever possible consult with a librarian in regard to your search strategy and refer to tutorials and guidelines below.
Yale University Library has created the following Systematic Search tutorials:
Cochrane has developed the following handbook which contains guidelines for systematic searching:
When searching for material for systematic reviews there is a tension between comprehensiveness (SENSITIVITY) and relevance (PRECISION). In general the more comprehensive the search the less relevant are the results.
SENSITIVITY = number of relevant reports identified/Total number of relevant reports in existence
PRECISION = number of relevant reports identified/Total number of reports identified (Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions).
Developing a search strategy is an iterative process. Search terms are modified, based on what has already been retrieved. There are diminishing returns for search efforts; after a certain stage, each additional unit of time invested in searching returns fewer references that are relevant to the review. The decision as to how much to invest in the search process may depend on several factors, such as the question a review addresses, and the resources that are available.
Kugley, S., Wade, A., Thomas, J., Mahood, Q., Jørgensen, A.-M.K., Hammerstrøm, K., & Sathe, N. (2017). Searching for studies: A guide to information retrieval for Campbell systematic reviews. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13(1), 1-73.
MacDonald, H., Comer, C., Foster, M., Labelle, P. R., Marsalis, S., Nyhan, K., Premji, Z., Rogers, M., Splenda, R., Stansfield, C., & Young, S. (2024). Searching for studies: A guide to information retrieval for Campbell systematic reviews. Campbell systematic reviews, 20(3), e1433.
© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)