Tip: Bookmark this page to keep these Summer study links within easy reach.
All campus libraries are open 8:30am – 5pm and remember that you can use any of our eight campus libraries.
How do you prefer to study? There are open study areas and group study rooms for collaborative work. There are quiet study and silent study areas to meet your sensory needs. Find out more about library study spaces.
Group Study Room
You can book a group study room for up to 2 hours at any of our eight campus libraries.
Study Smart offers a range of services, workshops, resources, and how-to-guides to support you throughout the semester.
Book a quick 20-minute face-to-face or online Study Smart appointment with a Study Smart Librarian to get personalised advice about your assignment, research, referencing and more.
Assignment Planner
Create a assignment timeline with the assignment planner to stay organised and minimise stress.
It is common for students to lose marks by failing to address the topic properly. By taking the time to analyse the assignment question, you will gain a clear understanding of what is required to maximise your marks. There is also a checklist to make sure you are on track.
When writing an assignment, you will use evidence to support your argument. This 3-minute guide will help you understand how to effectively present evidence in three forms: summaries, paraphrases and quotes, and when to use each one.
Researching your assignment
Upload your assignment drafts for tailored writing feedback, or have a live chat session with Studiosity (accessed via your VUWS homepage). This service is available 24/hours a day and FREE for all students. Feedback is usually provided within 24 hours.
Library staff are here to help and advise you, so talk to a friendly face at the service desk, live chat with Online Librarian or visit the Library FAQs.
© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)