With exams and assessment deadlines approaching you may want to find a cozy study space to lock in. The Library has a range of different study spaces tailored to different study styles, ensuring you can make the most of your study session.
Campus libraries have four different study spaces to suit the way you prefer to study:
Student Group Study Rooms
Group Study Rooms are a great place to get larger groups of 2-8 people for collaborative study or group assignment work. You can book a group study room on the Library website.
Open Study areas provide a range of collaborative and interactive spaces with whiteboards, group tables and levels of moderate noise. There are many comfy chairs and cozy corners to study in, flexible to suit your different study needs. This area is great for studying together with friends.
Quiet Study areas are for individuals and small groups of 2-3 study with whispered conversations allowed to create a quiet environment where you can focus.
Silent Study areas provide spaces for individual study with no conversations to create a silent and focused environment for efficient study.
If you have any questions or need help finding these Study spaces at your campus library, ask our friendly Library staff at the service desk to direct you. You can also message the Online Librarian or call us on 02 9852 5353 during Library opening hours.
© Western Sydney University, unless otherwise attributed.
Library guide created by Western Sydney University Library staff is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)