Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody - 1991
The Commission examined the causes of the Aboriginal deaths in custody which occurred in Australia between January 1980 and 31 May 1989 and the actions taken in respect of each death. They produced 339 recommendations in the Final report which was presented on 15 April, 1991. At that time they investigated 99 deaths. Currently the number of Aboriginal Deaths in custody numbers over 430.
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Welcome or Acknowledgment of Country? What's the difference?
A Welcome to country is a ceremony carried out by local members of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community to welcome visitors to the land. An Acknowledgment of Country is an opportunity to show respect to the Indigenous community and may be carried out by Indigenous or non-Indigenous people.
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The Uluru Statement from the Heart
The Uluru Statement from the Heart is an invitation from First Nations to “walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future”
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice | Human RIghts Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission works to ensure governments, the private sector and civil society acknowledge and implement the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to self determination, participation in decision making, respect for and protection of culture, and equality and non-discrimination.
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Yarramundi Lecture
The Yarramundi Lecture provided a forum for the discussion of issues of local and national importance. It was established out of respect and recognition of First Nations People and has become central to the University's longstanding commitment to its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
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Colonial Frontier Massacre map
The Centre for 21st century humanities at University of Newcastle promotes high quality Humanities research. Professor Lyndall Ryan and her team created a map documenting the over 250 Aboriginal massacres that occurred during the spread of colonial settlement in Australia.
Freely Available Collection | Black Lives Matter
A collection of books, journal articles and magazine content that amplifies Black voices and the issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement
Dictionaries and encyclopedias are a good starting point when researching a topic as they provide definitions, explanations or general overviews.
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